

Students in all year levels can become involved in a range of extra curricular activities including academic, sporting and cultural.
ICAS Competitions
Students from Years 3 – 10 have the opportunity to participate in the International Competitions and Assessments for Schools (ICAS). These are independent skills based assessments with a competition element. ICAS are developed annually for primary and secondary school students in the subject areas of Computer Skills, English, Mathematics, Science and Spelling.
School Camps
Every two years students in Years 6 - 9 have the opportunity to participate in a 3 day camp to a variety of venues. The implementation of camps every two years ensures students will experience both types of camps on offer during their time at Goomeri State School. Camp occurs towards the end of Term 3 and costs are minimised by student fundraising. 2015 is our beach camp year and this year we are going to Stradbroke Island.
Year 10 students participate in Horizons Camp.  The 3 day camp, generally held in Term 2, give the students a variety of experiences and broadens the aspirations of students in both an academic and cultural sense.
Queensland Arts Council
Throughout the year the Queensland Arts Council presents performances from travelling artists. These performances are carefully selected with regards to quality and suitability and are all approved by Education Queensland. The cost of these performances is generously subsidised by our P & C.
Work Experience
Year 10 students participate in a Work Experience program in Term 3. Career planning helps to identify areas of interest for students and suitable employers provide valuable on the job experience in those areas.
Instrumental Music Program
Students from Years 4 – 10 can elect to participate in the Instrumental Music Program.  The program started in 2019 and lessons are held one day a week with a visiting Instrumental Music teacher. 
Equestrian Team
Student from Prep to 10 can join the school equestrian team.  The team competes at the
Cow Horse Competition (Nanango), the South Burnett Equestrian Competition (Kingaroy) 
and the Fraser Coast Interschool Equestrian Competition (Maryborough).  Some training
sessions are held sessions are held.
Sporting Schools
Students can participate in the Sporting Schools Program.  Activities are generally held twice weekly from 3pm to 4pm.  Please contact the school for more information as programs and times may change.
Edison Club
The Edison Club started in 2019 and encourages students to participate in Robotics activities one lunchtime per week.
Students from Prep to Year 10 can join the school choir.  They meet one lunch time per week and may perform at our whole school parade or other school events, Awards Celebrations, Remembrance Day etc. 

Last reviewed 20 October 2022
Last updated 20 October 2022